Contact Support

Quadric Software proudly offers exceptional technical support to our user community. Before you contact support, please have the following information ready:

  • Your Alike license key
  • Any error message or code you are experiencing
  • Any applicable log file from your Alike server/A3
  • If possible, a screenshot with the error code. Click here to get instructions for a particular operating system.

To open a support ticket, simply log in to the Portal to open a new ticket, and check the status of or update an existing ticket. Please note: 24-hour tech support is reserved for Emergency Production Restores Only. Please refer to our KB article, “How to Use Quadric Support,” for more information on how to use our ticketing system.

Portal Log In

Please note: in order to access support you must be covered under an active Alike maintenance and support agreement. As a courtesy, we also extend support access to those evaluating Alike with a 30 day trial license key.

Easy To Install. Easy To Use. Free To Try.